2024 Summer Regional Qualifiers are underway!

Find upcoming events across the province to qualify for the 2025 SOBC Provincial Games!

Join our year-round programs

55 B.C. communities offer Special Olympics sport, youth, and health programs!

Group photo of two SOBC athletes and two golfers at a golf course

What an amazing day of golf, empowerment, and inspiration at the

SOBC Awards graphic

We are thrilled to announce and congratulate the 2024 nominees for

SOBC athlete with headphones on, smiling, and raising a hand up

Special Olympics BC health programs have been making an impactful difference during the 2023-24 season! SOBC runs a variety of year-round health…

SOBC – Nanaimo's Miranda Orth showing her support of SOBC volunteers!

Special Olympics BC's dedicated volunteers pour their hearts into everything they do. From organizing year-round programs and events to coaching…

In the Spotlight

Ariel Taylor has been making lasting friendships and memorable moments with Special Olympics BC for over 17 years. She first got involved in...
Special Olympics BC – Burnaby coach Peter De Marchi believes in the transformative power of sport. In his 14 years as a coach for SOBC, he has seen...
The Government of Canada is a vital supporter of Special Olympics Canada and Special Olympics BC, providing significant funds to develop new and...
"Special Olympics has given me confidence in myself. I'm not so shy – it has helped me gain friendship and made me believe in myself,” says Special...